Monday 4 June 2012

There will be no fade out

Most people tend to think they will sink into obscurity once they leave school or college, but you can make sure that doesn't happen. Sometimes you'll sit there thinking "Why does nobody noticed me?” don't blame others, the fault is upon your shoulders.

We let ourselves fade away, because somewhere along the way we forget who we truly are, and who we should be.

So don’t forget your true dream, your true self, and your true passion for what you love. Be it dancing, or beautiful drawings...don’t let that dream slip, because letting it go will be the biggest regret of your life.

Console in yourself to follow that one dream, and let no one stand in your path to succeeding in that which you most crave.

Suddenly the moments here, do you risk it or let it disappear?

The choice is yours.

Guess who's back?

Hey bloggers! Long time no blog ;)

So whats new in my world? Well, first of all, the December pantomime was a blast, shortly followed by the summer musical 'Jekyll & Hyde' in which I played Sir Danvers Carew, it was brilliant.

I made a tough decision, Im not ready for drama and performing arts schools, so Im studying Music for 1 more year until I feel I am ready :) a mature choice I think.

Socialite? Please, life is divine at the moment, as I am now 18 WOOP WOOP! Enjoying the last few weeks with my fabulous Musical Theatre group, before the 25th of June hits us :'( oh my.

Anyways! More news, I've decided to go into research on becoming a Spokesperson! Should be very interesting, also I'll be setting up a YouTube blog within the next few weeks! So You'll get to see my lovely face on your screens and listen to me ramble on about..anything and everything :L

Well, short entry for now my lovelies, will keep you posted on the YouTube channel

xoxo Mwah

Tuesday 20 December 2011

T'is the season to post a blog

Firstly, Merry Christmas.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, and a marvellous new year.

So, I haven’t really posted a decent blog in a while due to life being rather busy, UCAS applications and Pantomime took a lot out of me.

So what’s new?

Well just as a random comment I have decided my new hair style! woot!

Anyway, my UCAS application should be sent of soon, fingers crossed I get some auditions.

I'm hoping to set up a YouTube channel soon for weekly updates about life and how everything’s going, as well as some choreography pieces that will be the highlights of 2012 for me.

Anyways, shows are on ;) ciao

Sunday 20 November 2011

The Wall

Not many people will actually break through the walls that I’ve put up over the years, don’t ask why I have them, I just do.

But then…once in a while, someone would come along and bring those walls crashing down, and I would feel so exposed and confused about whom I am, and what I want in this world. It would feel as if you’ve just written something 100 times over, then suddenly, you’d forget everything and be completely confused about what you were just doing.

That one moment of shock, was the best moment in my life.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Lady Marmalade

Hey! I'm back ;)

SO! Whats new? Well, recently watched Shrek The Musical in London, major inspritation for the upcoming Pantomime in December.

Jack and The beanstalk! And who's playing Jack? None other than yours truely. Im so excited!

Shrek was a great inspritation personally, as Im doing 'Im a Believer' as a vocal solo in the Pantomime.

Any other news? well you'll just have to stay tuned ;)

ttfn xxx MWAH!

Tuesday 27 September 2011


So I guess this one is more for myself than anyone else.

Have you ever made one mistake that you would do anything to take back?

That changed your life, and turned your world upside down?

It was so bad even your friends didn't give you a passing glance? hurts.

People say we learn from our mistakes, that it helps us grow. I suppose its true, but I wish it wasn't. I made that one mistake, and now my world feels like its infected. Like all my future plans have been torn up infront of me.

Things will never be the same again.

P.s Im Sorry.