Tuesday, 27 September 2011


So I guess this one is more for myself than anyone else.

Have you ever made one mistake that you would do anything to take back?

That changed your life, and turned your world upside down?

It was so bad even your friends didn't give you a passing glance? Well...it hurts.

People say we learn from our mistakes, that it helps us grow. I suppose its true, but I wish it wasn't. I made that one mistake, and now my world feels like its infected. Like all my future plans have been torn up infront of me.

Things will never be the same again.

P.s Im Sorry.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Piece Of Me

So I guess my whole profile card sucks...so im just gunna do a quick blog post about me ;)

Name: Jay L Virgo
Birthday: 13th May
Age? Wouldn't you like to know.

Current Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Blue

Current location: Your dreams.

Catchphrases: "Hello Dave", "Bitch please", "Chicken Chow Mein ;)" <-- dont ask. "Lol at you" <- typical.

Books? I dont read, I write.

Films? Anything, literally. (Mostly chicky flickys ;D)

Typical day? Dance, College, Dance, Friends, Dance. Did i mention Dance?

Food? As long as  its edible.

Umm...anything else?

Jay. Out. ^_~

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


So..i guess its kinda hard to say things allowed, and easier to write down, so this makes it so much more comfortable i suppose.

You know the feeling of helplessness? When you really like someone, but can never find the words to say it, or you just dont know if they will ever feel the same. It hurts doesn't it? I guess you could just go on living your life until you forget about them..but is that really what you want? That little doubt in the back of your mind that says "Why did you give up?".

Love is like a bridge, it isn't made over night, it takes time to build. Never, ever, give up on someone. Even if you feel like its hopeless, always hold on, and never let it go.

People say there is someone for everyone, and you know what? Their right. Just because you tell yourself your imperfect, doesn't make it so. Dont doubt yourself, build your confidence, even when the worlds at its darkest, there is that one glimmer of hope.

I guess im speaking from experience in a sence...but also saying my true belief in love, no matter what form it is in. Even if its just a friendship, love can take so many forms.

Personaly, I doubt myself all the time: The way I look, the way I act.

But...I'll never give up.

And i just hope you dont either.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Stop lying to yourself.

I'm not bitter, I'm not mad
Well, maybe just a little, just a tad.
I know every apple here ain't bad,
But I found a worm in every single one I had.

So im guessing a LOT of people can relate to that right?

Well its time to step it up and take control.

Everyone deep down wants to find the one they love, even if you tell yourself "ill never find them, who could love someone like me".

Firstly, stop lying to yourself. Everyone likes a certain feature about themselves, even if they wont admit it.

Take me for example, i love my eyes, there, see that wasn't so hard was it?

Your turn, tell yourself something RIGHT now that you love about yourself. Even if its just the way your dimples show when you smile, anything at all.

You see all this '10 things that guys hate' or '10 things to make a guy fall for you'.

1 word, lies.

Guys are NOT all the same, thats basicly saying every perfume smells the same. It simply isn't so.

Lust and love. Whats the difference?

Lust is a simple attraction you get when first meeting someone, be it there clothes, there face/hair or whatever. Lust is a physical attraction, and we're all guilty of it.

Love is the attraction to someone emotionally, looking past the outside and actually getting to know the person developes this.

Lust and Love, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE, dont get them confused.

Ok with that little rant out the way, let's move on.

All i need

Is you.

So enough talk about me, time you met some of the people from college.

First up, my Best Mate, Andrea. She loves Highschool musical and hopes to one day marry Zac Efron, bless her xD love her to bits, more than sliced bread ;D lol <3

Roll on number 2, SAM! God, Sam is too gay to function, but he's got a heart of gold. He loves the Titanic..or any boat to be honest, he also LOOOVES Jhonny Depp <-- typical.

*high pitched* Milliiiee, think goose my darling, think goose. My Hocus Pocus buddy, love 'er to bits, we make an epic Hairspray duet ;)

Amy and Alice..oh my god, you could not meet a more gorgeous pair.

Pardon? What did you say? Aye? Darlin' ;)

Karla! Wait why am i writing about karla? she aint got time ;D lol.

Life of the party right there, with a love of Camp Rock.

WELL! thats just a few of many ;D you'll meet more of them as i blog! ttfn! xxx


So, now that i got my boring short life-story out the way, lets get into details.

Everyone says theres someone for everyone, and that one day you'll find that one person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Well...i dont think like that.

You cant just wait for prince charming to come round the corner and swoop you off your feet, you need to go find him.


Heres me over the years.

Emo days i guess, back in year 8 when i first started growing my hair. The girl on the left? Thats Hazel, she was my best friend, we knew eachother from day 1 to be honest.

Just after i started growing my hair i had a serious photo addict stage, there wasn't a day where i didn't take a photo, i was so proud of my hair...perhaps a bit too proud =/

So i was about 15 i guess, i started getting interested in modelling. (<3 that top)

OK! So this was a baaddd photo, like REALLY bad, but hey, it was pantomime, year one at college, on the right is Tash, 1 word - dont get in her way XD lol

And heres me today, back to short hair and getting on with life.

Who's that on the left? My best friend, Andrea.

So people say a soul mate is the person you love. Which i guess is true, but Andrea is my soul mate that i will always cherish, she's my best friend and i wouldn't trade her for the world <3 :)

SO! theres a quick photo flick xD <3 luvs ya!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

The first step.

...So, i guess i was never truely prepared like everyone else. No expensive ballet school, never really bothered with research to be honest. I just went along with everything else, like everyone else.

But the funny thing is, I could never see myself in a payed dance school, it just didn't feel right...

I started to dance when I was about 4 I guess, but as the years went on i drifted away from it. I always loved acting, nothing could make me happier at the time, I remember being in all the school plays, but it wasn't until I moved on to secondary school that I remember my true passion...dance.

It was the second week of the term in year 8, I was 12 at the time. I was walking to my lessons as usual, when I had a large group of girls run past me into the hall...but i thought to myself "Why that room? It's just an assembly hall." I peared my head around the corner of the door to get a look inside...and there they were, perfectly in time, dancing to a beautifal ballet piece known as Bagatelle. I lost myself in their movements, the majesty of their every move enchanted me.

So there it was, my passion for dance reborn.

As soon I was year 9 I could finnaly study dance BTech, and of course, i did.

Most students would rather spend their time outside with their friends, or up on the field watching the guys play football, But not me, there was nothing more ide rather do than spend the extra hour dancing.

We went through roughly 7 dance teachers in two years, it was hell.

But...no matter who they were, I always, always connected with the dance teachers. Nobody else did, it seemed like a pretty lonely job, but then i thought to myself, hell, if I could dance and only dance for the rest of my life, I would...wouldn't youI

Anyway where was I...oh right, year 11. The true year of dance. So, the end of year dance show was coming up, and of course, our NEW dance teacher knew nothing about it, and did anyone tell her? Nope, not a single word. So you guessed it, I told her, got the idea going around.

But wait...theres always one jackass who wants to step in and take control, but I wasn't gunna let that happen. I carried on with my choreography to the finnaly, 'Bad Romance', and waved their petty rants goodbye. Apprently I claimed it was MY show, well...it wasn't true. It was OUR show. Myself and Mrs Evans (Our dance teacher) put it together, made flyers, advertised etc etc...

So, showtime, the curtain went up..and the light lifted me, I lost myself in the routine, it felt like I was in another world until the music stopped...and that 1 second...that 1 horrible second of silence when the routine ends...and then the roar of hands clapping made me feel...alive. That one sound that says to you "Good job".

So, there i was, leaving school for good.

College, ahh college. I auditioned for Musical Theatre - Diploma Level 3. Knowing they only had 2 spots left, and that I was a late entry...I didn't exactly have high hopes. Boy was I wrong, shortly after the audtion I got the news, congratulations, your in.

The first year flew by, Pantomime was a blast (Cinderella) OH and the best part was the Musical (A CHorus Line) I managed to get myself a great part, Bobby.

With tears shed as the second years left...anxiety seeped into my gut..as I knew that would be us next year, moving onto Performing Schools.

So, here I am in the second year...its only been a week now and im already scared, for god knows what reason I was cast as 'Jack' for this years Pantomime, Jack and the beanstalk. Well...I guess I did something right.

With the Pantomime rehersals soon to begin, and open evenings to choreograph for, I guess i better end this random first blog...

Well...there ya go, thats me until now.